The Atlantic Seaboard Beauty
Now Accepting Contestants ages 4 – 25
Over $5000.00 in prizes
Register Today
You Could be crowned
Miss Atlantic Seaboard Harvest Queen
Contestants compete in
Beauty – (consisting of gown and introduction)
Costume – Talent & Photogenic
Call 508-725-4278 for more info
Rules & Regulations
By signing this application I affirm all the information I provided is true and accurate. I understand that if contested I may have to prove my child’s or my own age. I also understand that the directors have the right to change any rules if necessary and to alter age category based on enrollment. In addition, I know that the judges decisions are final, good sportsmanship is required at all times and failure to do so may result in disqualification. If disqualified for bad behavior I understand that I forfeit my entry fees and am not eligible for any awards. Contestants, parents and guardians release any images taken to ASBP for publicity purposes. Contestants must provide a stamped self addressed envelope for judges sheets to be mailed out to them. I also agree that the Owners, Directors, Pageant Staff, event location and host hotel cannot be held responsible for accident, injury or loss during the event or travel to and from the event. I have read and understand fully all the rules of Atlantic Seaboard Beauty Pageant stated in this document, on the website and throughout the ASBP material given to me.
Giving Back
ASBP Aspires to give strength, confidence and the tools for success to each participant as well as 10 % of all proceeds from each quality production which will be donated to cancer research. In addition, girls battling or recovering from cancer, ASBP will pay your entire entry fee to any of our events including the Nationals.